civil celebrant for all occasions
Pet ceremonies
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ensuring legal requirements are met
I will ensure that all legal requirements are met with minimum stress.
Your marriage will be solemnised according to the Marriage Act 1961 which requires the following:


to be completed and lodged with me at least one month and one day before the ceremony and no more than eighteen months prior. You cannot get married within Australia without giving one clear months notice. This time can be shortened under some circumstances.

* Sighting of your birth certificates, or passport (if born overseas) and documentary proof of any previous marriage (death certificate or final divorce decree). Consent forms are required if you are under 18 years of age.

* A declaration (I will supply you with the correct document) before your marriage stating that you are free to marry and are not aware of any legal impediment to your marriage.

* Two witnesses at the wedding ceremony, each to be over the age of 18 years.

* for more information about requirements under the Marriage Act 1961 please go to the following link:
A Notice of Intended Marriage form